
Your modern recruitment agency

Our Recruitment Marketing solution brings the best of Digital Marketing into HR, with the purpose of automating your candidate attraction and providing an unlimited number of new employees at a fixed monthly price.

Et billede af Nikolai Kurt Skarum og Henrik Sølund Christensen - grundlæggerne af Seneca.
Recruitee Partner Logo
Grundlæggerne af Seneca.

The future of recruitment

With our recruitment system, you will receive all the job applications your company requires – automatically, reliably, and predictably.

As a modern alternative to paying a traditional recruitment agency per hire, we provide you with all the job applications you need.

Efficient, dynamic, and scalable – we’re simply the obvious growth partner for companies in need of new employees.

We're not your typical recruitment agency...

We will revolutionize the recruitment industry!

Our concept

Our solution combines data-driven recruitment marketing with our systems and processes. We place your vacancies in front of qualified candidates, facilitating a quick and seamless application process.

Nikolai der smiler på Seneca's kontor.

Employer Branding

We produce content that will make people want to apply for your vacancies

Recruitment Marketing

Efficient, dynamic, and scalable

Recruitment marketing - six of the most important USP's (mobile)
Recruitment marketing - six of the most important USP's (mobile)

What people say about us

0 +
Used ad-spend (EUR)
0 +
Happy customers
0 €
Average price per application

We're a match if...

We're not a match if...

Fixed monthly fee

Fixed monthly fee

Billede af Henrik der smiler inden på et kontor.

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Henrik Sølund Christensen


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As an alternative to paying a traditional recruitment agency per hire, we provide all the applications you need to fill your vacancies.

In practical terms, this means that you can hire as many employees as you need for a fixed monthly price.

The picture below visualizes some of the differences between our service, job portals, and traditional recruitment and temp agencies.

Seneca vs. traditional ways of recruiting.webp

We take your vacancies and advertise them through 100% data-driven social media marketing.

Through the advertisement, interested candidates can apply for your company’s vacancies by answering some qualifying questions of your choice and providing their contact information.

You will then receive the job application in our ATS system, where you can contact the candidates and call them in for an interview.

Stop wasting time on job portals, expensive recruitment agencies, and social media posts.

Automate candidate attraction and streamline the recruitment process to replace manual work in HR. By doing so, valuable resources can be freed up to focus on critical tasks like onboarding, training, and general business development.

The first applications will arrive approx. 12-24 hours after our system is up and running.

It’ll deliver applications to you on a daily basis and can be dynamically up or downscaled according to your company’s needs.

This means, depending on your needs, that we can deliver 40 applications one month and 10 the next.

There’s no limit to the number of new employees we’re capable of delivering.

Even if you have a high demand for new employees, let’s say 300+ applications per month as an example, we’re more than capable of handling it.

Since we’re operating with a fixed monthly price and don’t charge additionally per hire, we’ll already be profitable in the first month or two.

Instead of waiting for people to apply for your vacancies, we’re able to proactively attract all the candidates you need by marketing your open job positions as an online advertisement.

This allows you to reach potential candidates that are already employed and might not be looking at various job portals.

On top of allowing you to hire all the employees you need, we’re simultaneously building a large pipeline of interested candidates who would like to work for you. 

This will be of great benefit to you if you’re ever short on employees.

Based on the target audience, we will be advertising your vacancies on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, or LinkedIn.

Here we will allow candidates to apply for your vacancies, directly through the ad.

When people are exposed to your vacancy, they will be able to apply by answering some qualifying questions and by providing their contact information.

If you don’t have the necessary content yourself or want to have something new produced, we are ready to help.

With our guides, you have the option to create it yourself or alternatively, you can entrust us to produce professional content.

We offer 3 different solutions depending on your needs and requirements.

We recommend having image and video content produced specifically for this solution, as it gives better results which in turn gives a lower price per application – in other words, you will be getting a more economically efficient solution – see more.